Цікава англійська мова

1. Read the text. Then complete the table.

In the year 2050, the world will be a different place. Today, computer are expensive. But in 2050, they'll be very cheap.Cars wont be made of metal and glass, like they are today. They'll be made of plastic and rubber.  And they'll use electricity instead of petrol. They'll be made of a special kind of plastic. Today, houses are expensive. But in 2050, they'll be cheap.

Today...                                                                                              In 2050...
 Computer are expensive.                                                                Computer will be

Cars are made of metal and (2)_________                                      Cars (3)_______________
____________                                                                                  ______________________

Cars use (4)_________________________                                    Cars(5)______________________
Houses are made of bricks
or (6)_______________________________                                    House (7)____________________
Houses are expensise.                                                                       Houses (8)___________________

2. Now make your own prediction about the year 2050.
________________________________________________________________________________ . 

Спорт у Великобританії
 Цікаві завдання із текстом

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